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October 16, 2018 / admin

How to Let White Guys know you’re down with the swirl on Dating Apps

So, let’s talk dating apps – tinder, bumble, match, hinge…

These apps are all about people making quick judgments about whether they think you’d be a viable match and the determination is made by looking through your pictures.

Sure, some guys will buck the system and read your entire profile but most will form their opinion of you based on the visuals you provide first and foremost.

We all know some white men still haven’t gotten the memo that black girls are more and more open to exploring all the different crayons in the coloring box, and for that reason may not swipe on you for fear of being automatically ruled out and rejected.

Thusly, you might find yourself wondering how you can turn the tides in your favor?

For one, make sure you are swiping on white men (duh) so that if he does swipe on you, you’re more likely to be a match.

Second, picture of you with all black crews aren’t going to scream diversity. Upload photos of yourself and your diverse group of friends (all the better if there are other white men in the pictures).

Dig out the snaps of you doing “conventionally white activities”. You know what I’m talking about: comic con, golfing, snowboarding, skiing, hiking, shuffle boarding, and at a alternative rock/country/obscure indie rock concert. The more chances that he is into the same thing as you, the more likely he’ll think you aren’t the “typical black girl” who only like black guys and message you.

Travel photos – it means you are more open minded to the world and probably more open minded to dating outside of your skin tone.

Dress like a free thinking hipster. And if it applies, throw in at least one picture of you with your natural fro / hair swinging.

Went to a predominantly white liberal arts college? Don’t forget that photo with you rocking your school’s sweatshirt / swag.

Got any other ideas or photos that you believe have worked in getting your more attention from white men on the dating apps? Share them below.

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