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March 7, 2019 / admin

WISE ADVICE – Help! My BF is Scared of Having Mixed Kids

Okay, guys – I received a letter from a woman in Boston who needs our help and advice. Her letter below:

“Hi Lisa,

I have been dating a guy for 4 and a half years and I finally brought up the marriage conversation last night. But I am feeling crushed and confused because he admitted that he had been stalling because he doesn’t know how he feels about having biracial kids. He feels like he will stand out in our family, that his children won’t look like him, and worries about giving his child the best advantage in life possible. To that last point, he thinks given the climate of America and police brutality that his mixed race son would not be treated like he was and have to deal with prejudices and discrimination since he will likely be seen as  Black. I don’t know what to do! I love him and he loves me, and I am angry at him for not caring what people think and just wanting to have a family with me, but he has some valid points. What should I do?

Yours truly, Clueless in Boston”

Hi Clueless,

Wow – that one is a doozy. You have every right to be confused after spending over four years together. What took you so long to have this conversation? And why has be continued dating you for so long if he knows that he wants alabaster white kids? Also, doesn’t he know that there are more biracial people than ever (just look at the Kardashians save Kourtney) and that all mixed kids don’t look black? **You may want to show him some pictures of Zoe Saldana’s kids!**

I tend to agree with you that if he really loved you he would be excited to have kids with you. Perhaps this is his way of saying you are a temporary woman in his life because he knows what he truly wants. It sucks that his decision is being influenced by the way black people are treated in America, but he isn’t wrong. Some people just don’t want to give up their privilege and now that things are getting serious since you’re talking about marriage and kids, he is faced with the reality of that.

You might want to break up with this one or tell him you understand he has some issues he needs to work through so you suggest taking a step back while he figures it out so you are free to keep looking for someone who is excited to have a family with you.

What say you BWWM readers? Any advice for ‘Clueless in Boston’ – sound off below.


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  1. Jay Fenton / Mar 7 2019 2:29 pm

    If I had been able to marry my girlfriend in college, I’d have been very happy to have children with her. Of course, that was 1974 and things were quite different then. But this is 2019 and interracial marriage is more common and accepted now. There is still far too much prejudice even today. Dating for four 1/2 years, he should have made up his mind by now. I don’t know his age but I’m guessing he’s older—–at least forty. Younger men don’t have the psychological baggage of a middle aged guy. He has a point about prejudice in America today, but he’s still hanging around. I don’t like saying depressing things, but I just don’t think he’s going to come through for you. A man who truly loves you would cherish his children no matter what color they were. In the long view color is such a small thing. It’s only people with 19th century mindsets who take color seriously.

  2. BlackMatryoshka / May 31 2019 10:19 am

    Even if we could put his disrespectful and racist comments aside (and you shouldn’t), this is still very problematic! A lot can be negotiated/happily compromised in a relationship but when one wants kids and the other doesn’t (for whatever reason) that should be a humongous red flag! Let’s face it, men have no problems with wasting a woman’s time but if that woman eventually wants to marry and become a mother AFTER marriage, that’s time she can’t afford to waste. Sounds like you’ve reached an impasse where there is no possible compromise where both of you can be truly happy. When that happens, it’s time to move on, no matter how much you think you love him. Sorry but he’s just told you he doesn’t love or respect you, do why would you want a man like that in your life, anyway? Better to be alone than put up with that mess!

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